The Buffalo Horn and The Tzitzit

by Parthenia Stout

Jim Rairdon, my son-in-law, found in his Hebrew studies the meaning of horn and told me it was spelled qeren. I looked it up in my Hebrew and Exodus 34:29 it meant rays of radiance the people saw in Moses face as he came down from Mt. Sinai. God’s glory was shinning from his face.

Also it had more information like--horn of animals means strength, pride, and taken with this in men it is an expression of physical power and might. It is for God who had the authority to cut off the evil doers horns or exalt the horns of the righteous. To have one’s horns exalted by God is to gain victory and salvation. (Psalm 92:10) God is the source of all true salvation, hence he is termed the horn of salvation. (2nd Sam. 22:3) I found it is interesting to note the spelling as a Q can be sounded as a K and we have two related words Qeren Karen.

This word is also used of horn-like projections, or hill (Isa. 5:1) or musical instruments (Joshua 6:5). Horns were put on the alter to focus on the symbolic presence and power of God. It was on these horns that blood to atone for original sin was to be applied. (Ex. 30:10 and (Lev.4:7)

The Karen and the Jews both have used horns for many years.

Some thoughts from a book called “Meet the Rabbis” by Brad Young who has been a student of Jews and the land of Israel for many years.

“After the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. the body of believers in Yeshua drifted away from their Jewish roots (the teaching of the Old Testament) that had nourished the early church. They were influenced by Greece and Rome the language of the world they entered.” (Who can condemn the Karen who had lost much of their teaching, yet had been in exile for many long years and still hung on to as much of God’s word as was possible.)

Dr. Young mentioned the Tzitzit or fringe on the corner of the garments to fulfill the commandment of Scripture, “Speak to the children of Israel that they shall make for themselves tassels on the corners of their garments throughout their generations. This fringe shall cause you to look at and remember all the commandments of the Lord, so as to do them. (Num. 15:38-39 Deut. 22:12.) The Karen garment is very unique and it has fringes on the four corners of their garments similar to the Jews. The Jews and the Karens both have a special blue dye for part of the fringes as directed to the Jews by God (Num. 15:38). Both the Karen and the Jew’s garments were for glory and beauty. The Karen’s garments can be worn all by itself or over other clothing. When I talked about this to the Karen people they were very surprised.

Jesus taught as a Master Teacher of the Old Testament as one who taught orally to be memorized and passed down to the next generation. (Deut. 6:7). This life application code of conduct is passed down by teacher to disciple today in Israel. This was the way the Karen prophets taught their people as they had no book and no writing for many long years. Much to think about as we study the character of the Karen people.